6th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology (ISAP), Nantes – France
6th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology (ISAP)
La Cité Nantes Events Center
18th – 23rd June 2017
Nantes – France
The 6th edition of ISAP congress gave us the opportunity to meet many researchers around the world with the same expertise about ALGAE, both micro- and macroalgae. We shared all our knowledges and experiences. It was also to appreciate the huge phycological biodiversity and the diversity of its biotechnological applications through the prism of a new and promising industrial sector. The congress included orals and posters presentations, exhibitors and a BtoB session.
During this congress, there were several programs including B2B meetings (student workshop and stakeholder meeting), facilities visits (AlgoSolis R&D, Laboratoire MMS – Universite de Nantes, Ifremer), touristics tours around Nantes, social events, and student activities.
I specially would like to express my sincere gratitude for the rector Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak-Indonesia (Prof. Dr. H. Thamrin Usman, DEA) and also the Dean of FMIPA (Dadan Kusnandar, Ph.D) for all their supports and kindness.
My deepest gratitude goes for my incredible supervisior Prof. Jean-Luc MOUGET, Le Mans Université, Le Mans-France, for his time, help, and patience for the correction of my poster. Thus, for the organizing committee and all the volunteers (including me), well done for our great jobs !
Best wishes for you all
Fait à Saint Nazaire, Pays de la Loire, France
Le 2 juillet 2017